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Hiring & Recruiting in FjFiji.







iTaukei (Fijian)



Country Capital



Fijian dollar (FJD)

Finding the best talent for your international company will support success and growth. However, when you’re handling this process from a different country, it can be challenging to identify and hire people with the right skills. Once you find them, you have to follow-through with all local employment regulations.

At G-P, we make recruiting workers in Fiji simple. We can onboard your employees in days, allowing you to get started on your company’s growth. Sidestep the lengthy recruitment process and focus on your professional vision today.

Recruiting in Fiji

Before you begin the formal recruitment process, you need to write excellent job descriptions for your open positions. These should be in English, as it’s the primary business language in the country. Find places to advertise your jobs in local media outlets and network around the area in person.

Once you’ve gathered interest in your position, you can start identifying the best candidates to interview. Your job description should include your expectations of the work and the skills a person should have to do well. Identify the individuals who meet the criteria and interview them for the position.

In 2018, the Republic of Fiji introduced the National Employment Policy to recover from the financial crisis in 2008. The economy is largely characterized by informal employment, so the plan focuses on providing opportunities to people who don’t usually get them.

When you’re finding candidates for your positions, consider an individual’s willingness to learn rather than what they already know. This practice will support the country’s economic growth and encourage people to trust your company’s vision.

There are many excellent resources for posting jobs in the country. You can share your open positions on sites such as jobisland.com or myjobsfiji.com to reach an audience online. You can also post your jobs in reputable newspapers such as the Fiji Times. Diversifying your posting places will advertise your positions to different demographics with various skills.

How to Hire Employees in Fiji

Your hiring commitment begins with signing the employment contract. Written contracts are required for employment over six months. Make sure your agreement covers all the pertinent information about the position. Employees can legally agree to the deal with a signature or stamped fingerprint.

When you hire your employees, you need to register them with the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service and the Fiji National Provident Fund to ensure their paychecks include income tax and their pension scheme. If you opt to provide fringe benefits for your workers, you’ll also need to register for the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT).

Fiji Employment Laws

Creating a well-written employment contract is valuable to your compliance practices. You should include the description of the position, salary, overtime terms, working hours, and termination policies.

The Employment Relations Promulgation has a comprehensive section of anti-discrimination policies. To stay compliant, you should keep these regulations in mind while recruiting and hiring and throughout your contract with an employee.

These laws prohibit discrimination based on any personal characteristics, such as race, gender, age, sexual orientation, and HIV/AIDS status. While these laws do not outline any questions you cannot ask in an interview, it’s in your best interest to avoid prying into personal characteristics during the hiring process.

Onboarding in Fiji

The National Employment Policy encourages inclusivity and strong training programs to overcome informal employment and discrimination. Your onboarding process should take this into account — work to understand your employees’ needs and find ways to meet them in the workplace.

Creating a stable training program is an excellent first step for onboarding. Allow your employees to develop the skills they need for the job, so they can feel confident. As an international employer, it’s in your best interest to stay in the country for your employees’ first weeks. Review employment contracts and develop a relationship with your team members so they feel supported.

Your onboarding plan should also include developing a code of conduct. When you create shared rules for the workplace, employees will understand your expectations and treat each other fairly on the job.

Benefits of Hiring Outsourcing in Fiji

Finding the right talent is vital to your international company’s success. While you can handle the process yourself, it can be challenging to find the best candidates in a country you don’t live in.

At G-P, borders don’t have to be boundaries. Our Employer of Record model encompasses hiring outsourcing services in Fiji. Our experienced HR team recruits and hires the talent that fits your open positions. With our legal experts on hand, we also handle all the local regulations to keep your employment compliant and ensure your contracts are comprehensive.

Work With G-P To Expand Globally

G-P will shorten the hiring process, so you can get started on company development right away. Contact us today to learn more about our Employer of Record services.


THIS CONTENT IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE. You should always consult with and rely on your own legal and/or tax advisor(s). G-P does not provide legal or tax advice. The information is general and not tailored to a specific company or workforce and does not reflect G-P’s product delivery in any given jurisdiction. G-P makes no representations or warranties concerning the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of this information and shall have no liability arising out of or in connection with it, including any loss caused by use of, or reliance on, the information.

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