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Going Remote: 3 Strategies to Build Digital Community and Attract Top Talent



Debbie MillinChief Operating Officer
Allie KovalikCommunity & Culture Manager

About this event

When you think about the word “community” you may think of a physical place – your office lunchroom, your yoga studio, or even the neighborhood you live in. As companies shift to a remote-first mindset, whether due to necessity or choice, workplace community no longer is a natural, passive evolution – the space for connection must be created intentionally.

As companies begin to embrace a remote mindset and source talent from around the world, candidates will be evaluating, “which company will I find a place to connect with colleagues? Where can I grow my career, regardless of my location?”

While there are endless options for digital tools and communication channels, your company now has (or will soon have) teammates spread across every time zone, from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds.

How do you bridge the gap and create an authentic digital workplace community where every team member has an opportunity to share their personal story? How can you create a company cultural narrative that ties into the strategic vision of the organization and attracts like-minded, talented individuals?

In this session, Debbie Millin, Chief Operating Officer of Globalization Partners, talks with Allie Kovalik, Community & Culture Manager of Globalization Partners, about three story-driven strategies HR professionals can bring back to their companies to build a digital community. You’ll learn:

  • Why the best community-building efforts start with you – how to start making space for vulnerability and authenticity in day-to-day interactions
  • How to boost team bonding & collaboration – blending employee-led initiatives with gratitude from leaders yields powerful results
  • How the internal narrative on trust, accountability and transparency feeds the external, and why being human may be the secret to attracting the best talent to join you


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