What are the main benefits of international recruiting?

To help you understand the advantages of international recruiting, we asked HR and recruiting professionals and business leaders this question to gain their expertise on the matter. From increasing market insights to improving overall productivity, here are seven main benefits of international recruiting:

  • Provides global expansion opportunities
  • Increases market insight
  • Enriches workplace diversity
  • Improves overall productivity
  • Uncovers a vast talent pool
  • Builds employer international brand
  • Grants insight into the local business climate

Provides global expansion opportunities
International recruiting helps broaden horizons to bring in new objectives and goals for companies. International markets and industry recruitment produce growth for companies looking to expand. As the majority of the world moves online, the business-to-consumer (B2C) industry and the business-to-business (B2B) industry alike need to look into international recruiting.

Olivia Young, Head of Product Design at Conscious Items

Increases market insight

Market insight is one of the main benefits of international recruiting. Companies with homogenous workforces must do extensive research when entering new markets, and even then, are prone to legal mishaps or cultural misunderstandings. Having employees spread across the globe gives companies access to experts with intimate knowledge of the market’s norms and complexities and can help better prepare for international expansion. Having people on the ground can reduce research costs and prevent missteps.

Michael Alexis, CEO at TeamBuilding

Enriches workplace diversity
There are many ways international recruiting can help build your company’s branding. An obvious plus to hiring outside of your country is that you gain workplace diversity. By hiring internationally, you build your company’s brand awareness in news areas, which increases the potential for increased productivity. This also cultivates a positive brand perception because hiring internationally shows your company values workplace diversity, embraces new ideas, and promotes inclusion.  

Tom Mumford, Co-founder at Undergrads

Improves overall productivity
Another benefit of international recruiting is the ability to have an uninterrupted workflow when you recruit across time zones. This is because people are scattered throughout different regions and, therefore, your team is better able to work around the clock.

Tyler Read, Founder of  Personal Trainer Pioneer

Uncovers  a vast talent pool
The primary advantage to international recruitment is that it expands your talent pool. If your open positions are limited only to those who live in the same country, you might struggle to find high-caliber talent. By recruiting internationally, you have a world of options at your fingertips. There are talented professionals in every single country, and you’d be doing your business a disservice by not calling upon their skills and experience. Cast a net internationally, and see just how much it improves your workplace culture, employer brand, and overall market insight.

Mike Grossman, CEO of  Inflection (parent company of GoodHire)

Builds employer international brand
It’s a great honor to be an employer who prioritizes experience and talent rather than the geographical location of a candidate.This global mindset makes your company more desirable to work for and improves your overall reputation. Hiring the best people all over the world makes your workplace more diverse, accepting, and inclusive in the eyes of potential applicants, which  positively influences recruitment and retention.

Ewelina Melon, Head of People and Culture Tidio

Grants insight into the local business climate
Having team members from other countries and cultures can prove advantageous when looking to expand your business globally. Laws governing industries vary from country to country, region to region.  Recruiting local team members may grant insight into business registration, taxation, and property restrictions that can prove helpful when setting up shop in that country.  Native language skills and first-hand knowledge of local customs, as well as  local connections, can help you navigate the ins and outs of a new  local market.

Dino Ha, founder & CEO of MBX, makers of Kaja Cosmetics

Want to know more about  international recruiting, and how to find the best talent? Visit G-P Recruit: Globalization Partners’ AI-driven solution that puts the right team member at your fingertips.

Piece authored by Terkel.


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