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Ecolex Accelerates Market Entry and Testing


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IndustryBiotechnology Research
Use CaseEmploy top talent
Ecolex Office

Striving for growth beyond borders

Ecolex was looking to hire talent outside of their home market, in the U.S. When Ecolex evaluated options, they found providers, but each were limited to payroll processing, accounting, and tax services – there was no single solution that covered all of their needs. They also prioritized looking for a partner that would stay on top of changing, complex international regulations.

“Not only is it costly to assimilate to local tax laws, the U.S. framework is extremely complex, while Japan has another set of rules. I’d rather leave it to experts than dedicate our own resources to a resource- and timeconsuming task,” said Rosalind Lee, Corporate Finance and Business Controller at Ecolex.

Finding the right service provider is not as easy as it sounds, however. A global expansion partner should be zealous in respecting international labor law, experienced in compliance, and quick on their feet.

“Working with our previous provider was difficult because of the time difference. It was a U.S.-based company, whereas we are in Singapore. But we couldn’t do it alone and processing payroll in a timely manner, meeting all the statutory requirements at local and federal levels, and ensuring compliance with the Employment Pass (EP) for our American talent was paramount.”

The key to unlocking global teams

Ecolex carefully chose an ally with the dedicated team and market-leading technology required to bypass the costly and time-consuming tasks that threatened to slow their global growth. This partnership enabled the company to quickly expand to other markets for product testing prior to entity setup.

“Going to an EOR is definitely the best choice at a company’s early growth stage. As your business scales, hiring via an EOR means you can continue to grow seamlessly until reaching the critical mass that justifies setting up a legal entity,” said Lee.

Ecolex found the solution to their international expansion woes: G-P’s SaaS-based Global Employment Platform™ provided all of their hiring needs in one place — from automated contract generation and payroll and expense reporting to compliance with country-specific labor laws.

“What most impressed me was seeing all the contracts available — the formats G-P are able to generate in an astoundingly short period of time and at a granular level. In the U.S., for example, each state has its own labor law, which translates into different fees. All contracts fully comply with the internal laws of the countries considered,” said Lee.

Ecolex Case Study

Top 3 game-changing results

Global expertise, local support

One of the main advantages of working with G-P was their robust team of local experts who offer full-time support at each stage of the growth journey.

“Relying on an Employer of Record with presence in Singapore makes our lives so much easier. No more time zone issues or trouble working together,” said Lee.

G-P’s team is on the lookout for our needs and concerns at any time of day. They have compliance on lockdown, particularly pertaining to EP issues.

Rosalind Lee

Corporate Finance and Business Controller at Ecolex

Quick, confident expansion

G-P’s platform is backed by their HR, legal, and financial expertise, eliminating the need for third-party advice and providing peace of mind for the Ecolex team — they could rest assured they had a partner at their side to handle all HR and compliance matters for them.

G-P’s platform provides total visibility of the teams we set up in other countries. We know that with a simple click, we could be going to the next market.

Rosalind Lee

Corporate Finance and Business Controller at Ecolex

A growth-oriented ally

G-P understood the importance for companies in growth mode to be able to rely on a partner that will grow in tandem with them. Ecolex found that this type of partnership provided an invaluable edge over the competition.

“We always like to work with people that are in growth mode. Our energy and our passion always contrast with companies that are already stagnant.”

To China, Argentina, and beyond

By relying on G-P as their global growth ally, Ecolex experienced painless and fast international market entry, leaving the hassle to the experts and focusing solely on what they do best: growing their business.

“We are now able to focus our efforts on the Chinese market to significantly improve our margins by going directly to the end customer instead of relying on a local distributor. By unlocking a local presence, we can provide a more specialized, technical offering to our customers that a distributor cannot,” Lee explained.

The Ecolex team is confident expanding wherever demand is detected. The company unlocked the ability to seamlessly integrate teams of local talent — an invaluable advantage when it comes to consolidating a local footprint in a new market. “We will also be looking to use G-P’s platform to consolidate a team in Argentina.”

We are fighting to consolidate our footprint and are exploring new ideas, opportunities, and products on a daily basis. We see that same energy when working with G-P.

Rosalind Lee

Corporate Finance and Business Controller at Ecolex

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