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2023 Global Workforce Trends

About this ebook

The year of employee wellbeing and growth

Global events over the past several years have brought massive cultural changes to the workplace, be it the breakout of remote working, or unsettling trends like “Quiet Quitting.” As we head into a new year, what factors are likely to affect our working environments in 2023?

Investing in mental health, accepting workplace flexibility as an expected employee benefit, re-evaluating upskilling and soft skills, and navigating toward sustainability to attract and retain talent, will all be part of the rapid changes the global workforce is facing this year.

Download this eBook to learn:

  • How much anxiety and depression cost the global economy and what companies can do to course-correct.
  • Why workplace flexibility is being ranked as a top benefit when employees are considering a new position.
  • Why upskilling, internal mobility, and investing in soft skills will be critical to combat trends like the “Great Resignation” and Quiet Quitting in 2023.

About Us

G-P helps growing companies unlock their full potential by making it possible to build highly skilled global teams in days instead of months. Through our SaaS-based platform, we help find, hire, onboard, pay, and manage team members, quickly and compliantly, to expand growth opportunities for everyone, everywhere – without the hassle of setting up local subsidiaries or branch offices.

G-P: Global Made Possible

Global thinking. Global growth.
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