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Pay Equity Compliance

Last update: October 8, 2024

Ireland Gender Pay Reporting

Globalization Partners International Ireland Limited’s Gender Pay Gap Report (Snapshot date: 1 June 2023)


We provide an Irish employer of record (“EOR”) solution for companies hiring employees in Ireland.

The Employment Equality Act 1998 (Section 20A) (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2022 (“the Regulations”) came into effect in 2022 and require that employers with 250 or more employees analyse and publish data showing their gender pay gap, across certain prescribed metrics for hourly and bonus pay.

In this report, as required by the Regulations, we disclose the median and mean (average) pay gaps between male and female hourly pay and bonuses, and the percentage of males and females receiving benefits in kind.

Irish businesses can choose their own snapshot date and must report data on their employee gender pay gap based on the preceding 12-month period. For Globalization Partners International Ireland Limited, we chose 1 June 2023 as the snapshot date. Businesses are also required to distinguish between the gender pay gaps for full-time, part-time and temporary roles; however, this report will not make such distinction as all employees on the snapshot date were employed on a full-time basis.

As of the snapshot date, we employed 258 employees for the purposes of the Irish gender pay gap reporting regulations. Of these employees:

  • 177 identified as male;
  • 78 identified as female;
  • 2 did not respond; and,
  • 1 employee chose not to disclose their gender.

In 2022, we had less than 250 employees, and thus 2023 is the first year that we have been required to report our gender pay gap figures for Ireland.

Gender Pay Gap Figures:

The tables below display the figures required by the Gender Pay Gap Reporting Regulations for Globalization Partners International Ireland Limited on the snapshot date.

Gender Pay Gap Statistics: Current reporting year

All Employees As of 1 June 2023
Mean (average) gender pay gap using hourly pay 12%
Median gender pay gap using hourly pay 20%
Mean (average) gender pay gap using bonus pay 18%
Median gender pay gap using bonus pay 23%
Percentage of male employees receiving a bonus 88%
Percentage of female employees receiving a bonus 87%
Percentage of male employees receiving benefits in kind 89%
Percentage of female employees receiving benefits in kind 90%

Pay Quartiles: Current reporting year

Pay Quartile Male Female
Upper 78% 22%
Upper Middle 77% 23%
Lower Middle 65% 35%
Lower 57% 43%

Understanding our pay gap / Addressing the gap going forward

As of the snapshot date, there were 258 full pay relevant employees, of whom 177 identified as male and 78 identified as female, making up 69% and 31% of the workforce, respectively.

The data shows that there is an overrepresentation of females in the lower and lower-middle quartiles. This provides the potential for us to take intentional action to recruit and promote women into senior roles, and retain women across our workforce, ensuring a positive impact on the future of female representation in senior roles.

We have near parity in terms of opportunity to earn a bonus between males and females. However, the mean and median bonus pay gap is in favour of males. This may be a reflection of the fact that there are more males in higher paid roles relative to females and this may correspond to the amount of bonus pay that they receive. Broadly, the same proportion of males and females receive BIKs such as dental and medical insurance.

To address the current gap, we will focus on ensuring diverse candidate slates, specifically in tech. We will also build upon career development initiatives with an aim of preparing females for higher levels within the company.

Our annual gender pay gap reports are accessible on our company website.

This report has been reviewed and approved by:

Nicole Forbes, Globalization Partners International Ireland Limited

UK Gender Pay Reporting



Globalization Partners Limited provides a UK employer of record (EOR) solution for companies engaging talent in the UK.

Globalization Partners Limited’s employees fall int two categories: (i) those it employs on behalf of a customer, who provide services to that customer (referred to as “Profesionals”) and (ii) those it employs to do work for Globalization Partners Limited itself (referred to herein as “internal employees”).

The UK’s Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations came into effect in 2017 and require that employers with 250 or more employers analyse and publish data showing their gender pay gap, across certain prescribed metrics for hourly and bonus pay.

As of the snapshot date of 5 April 2021, Globalization Partners Limited has 272 full pay relevant employees for the purpose of the UK gender pay gap reporting regulations. Of these employees:

  • 196 were men;
  • 76 were women;
  • 8 were internal employees; and
  • 264 were Professionals.

This is the first year that Globalization Partners Limited has been required to report gender pay gap figures.

UK law requires that Globalization Partners Limited publishes amalgamated gender pay gap figures across internal employees and Professionals.

However, these amalgamated results do not give a truly representative look at Globalization Partners Limited’s pay practices for a number of reasons, including:

  • Pay for Professionals is set by the relevant customer, not Globalization Partners Limited. Pay philosopies and practices vary from company to company, and resulting compensation rates and structures for professionals align to that of the relevant customer, not Globalization Partners Limited.
  • Globalization Partners Limited has customers across a broad range of sectors and as such there is significant variation in market practice on each base pay and bonuses between sectors.
  • Globalization Partners Limited work with customers of various business size and revenue generation, which means pay and pay practices may vary depending on the revenue and size of the customer.
  • Globalization Partners Limited employs Professionals at all levels of seniority and experience, which means pay varies significantly.
  • Globalization Partners Limited employs Professionals who are located all over the Uk and those geographical differences may be reflected in pay as determinated by the relevant customer.

The combinations of these factors means that differences in pay between Professionals are impacted by myriad factors. The pay gap calculations required by the Gender Pay Gap Regulations do not recognise those differences and give a distorted view of Globalization Partners Limited’s practices.1

Our annual gender pay gap reports are accesible on our company website and on the UK government’s website.

Gender Pay Gap Figures: All employees

The tables below display the amalgamated figures required by the Gender Pay Gap Reporting Regulations for Globalization Partners Limited, covering internal employees and Professionals.

At the relevant date, there were 272 full pay relevant employees, including both internal employees and Professionals, of whom 196 where men and 76 were women.

Pay for the Professionals is not set by Globalization Partners Limited but by the relevant customer.

All employees As 5 April 2021
Mean (average) gender pay using
hourly pay
Median gender pay gap using hourly pay 27.15%
Mean (average) gender pay gap using
bonus pay
Median gender pay using bonus pay 48.33%
Percentage of men receiving a bonus pay 57.5%
Percentage of women receiving a bonus pay 49.4%

Pay Quartiles

Pay Quartile Male Female
Upper 86.76% 13.24%
Upper Middle 76.41% 20.59%
Lower Middle 63.24% 36.76%
Lower 58.82% 41.18%

This report has been reviewed and approved by:

Todd Goffman, Director, Globalization Partners Limited



Globalization Partners Limited provides a UK employer of Record (EOR) solution for companies engaging talent in the UK.

Globalization Partners Limited’s employees fall int two categories: (i) those it employs on behalf of a customer, who provide services to that customer (referred to as “Profesionals”) and (ii) those it employs to do work for Globalization Partners Limited itself (referred to herein as “internal employees”).

The UK’s Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations came into effect in 2017 and require that employers with 250 or more employees analyze and publish data showing their gender pay gap, across certain prescribed metrics for hourly and bonus pay.

As of the snapshot date of 5 April 2022, Globalization Partners Limited has 527 full pay relevant employees for the purposes of the UK gender pay gap reporting regulations. Of these employees:

  • 365 were men;
  • 162 were women;
  • 44 were internal employees; and
  • 483 were Professionals

This represents significant growth from the last reporting period, of nearly 94%

This is the second year that Globalization Partners Limited publishes amalgamated gender pay gap figures across internal employees and Professionals.

However, these amalgamated results do not give a truly representative look at Globalization Partners Limited’s pay practices for a number of reasons, including:

  • Pay for Professionals is set by the relevant customer, not by Globalization Partners Limited. Pay philosophies and practices vary from company to company, and resulting compensation rates and structures for Professionals align to that of the relevant customer, not Globalization Partners Limited.
  • Globalization Partners Limited has customers across a broad range of sectors and as such there is significant variation in market practice on each base pay and bonus between sectors.
  • Globalization Partners Limited works with customers of various business size and revenue generation, which means pay and pay practices may vary depending on the revenue and size of the customer.
  • Globalization Partners Limited employs Professionals at all levels of seniority and experience, which means pay varies significantly.
  • Globalization Partners Limited employs Professionals who are located all over the UK and those geographical differences may be reflected in pay as determined by the relevant customer.

The combination of these factors means that differences in pay between Professionals are impacted by myriad factors. The pay gap calculations required by the Gender Pay Gap Regulations do not recognise those differences and give a distored view of Globalization Partners Limited’s own pay practices.1

The figures in this report show improvement in several of the gender pay gap metrics, comparing data from 5 April 2021 and 5 April 2022, including:

    • the proportion of women in the Upper and Upper Middle pay quartiles increased as of 5 April 2022;
    • both the median and mean pay gaps based on hourly pay have decreased; and
    • the median pay gap based on bonus pay has decreased significantly (from 48.33% to 17.95%) and a higher proportion of women received bonus pay in the 12 months preceding 5 April 2022 than in the 12 months preceding 5 April 2021.

Our annual gender pay gap reports are accessible on our company website and on the UK government’s website.

1Globalization Partners Limited’s’ internal workforce is small in the UK (at the snapshot date, there were 44 full pay relevant employees who were internal employees: 27 men and 17 women) and as such figures for just internal employes have not been included in this report.

Gender Pay Gap Figures

The tables below display (i) the amalgamated figures required by the Gender Pay Gap Reporting Regulations for Globalization Partners Limited as of 5 April 2022; and (ii) the figures at (i) alongside the equivalent figure from the previous reporting period, in each case covering internal employees and Professionals.

On 5 April 2022, there were 527 full pay relevant employees, including both internal employees and Professionals, of whom 365 were men and 162 were women.

Pay for Professionals is not set by Globalization Partners Limited but by the relevant customer.

Gender Pay Gap Statistics: Current Reporting Year

All Employees As of 5 April 2022
Mean (average) gender pay gap using hourly pay 16.82%
Median gender pay gap using hourly pay 18.95%
Mean (average) gender pay gap using bonus pay 56.68%
Median gender pay gap using bonus pay 17.95%
Percentage of men receiving a bonus 56.99%
Percentage of women receiving a bonus 56.79%

Pay Quartiles: Current Reporting Year

Pay Quartile Male Female
Upper 77.86% 22.14%
Upper Middle 74.24% 25.76%
Lower Middle 69.70% 30.30%
Lower 55.30% 44.70%

This report has been reviewed and approved by:

Todd Goffman, Director, Globalization Partners Limited



Globalization Partners Limited provides a UK employer of record (EOR) solution for companies engaging talent in the UK.

Globalization Partners Limited’s employees fall into two categories: (i) those it employs on behalf of a customer, who provide services to that customer (referred to as “Professionals”); and (ii) those it employs to do work for Globalization Partners Limited itself (referred to herein as “internal employees”).

The UK’s Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations came into effect in 2017 and require that employers with 250 or more employers analyse and publish data showing their gender pay gap, across certain prescribed metrics for hourly and bonus pay.

As of the snapshot date of 5 April 2023, Globalization Partners Limited had 696 full pay relevant employees for the purposes of the UK Gender Pay Gap Reporting Regulations. Of these employees:

  • 463 were men;
  • 233 were women;
  • 22 were internal employees; and
  • 674 were Professionals

UK law requires that Globalization Partners Limited publishes amalgamated gender pay gap figures across internal employees and Professionals; however, these amalgamated results do not give a truly representative look at Globalization Partners Limited’s pay practices for a number of reasons, including:

  • Pay for Professionals is set by the relevant customer, not by Globalization Partners Limited. Pay philosophies and practices vary from company to company, and resulting compensation rates and structures for professionals align to that of the relevant customer, not Globalization Partners Limited.
  • Globalization Partners Limited has customers across a broad range of sectors and as such there is significant variation in market practice on each base pay and bonuses between sectors.
  • Globalization Partners Limited works with customers of various business sizes and revenue generation, which means pay and pay practices may vary depending on the revenue and size of the customer.
  • Globalization Partners Limited employs Professionals at all levels of seniority and experience, which means pay varies significantly.
  • Globalization Partners Limited employs Professionals who are located all over the UK and those geographical differences may be reflected in pay as determined by the relevant customer.

The combination of these factors means that differences in pay between Professionals are impacted by myriad factors. The pay gap calculations required by the Gender Pay Gap Regulations do not recognise those differences and give a distorted view of Globalization Partners Limited’s own pay practices.1

1Globalization Partners Limited’s internal workforce is small in the UK (at the snapshot date, there were 22 full pay relevant employees who were internal employees working in Great Britain: 8 men and 14 women) and as such figures for just internal employees have not been included for this report.

Gender Pay Gap Statistics

All Internal Employees and Professionals As of 5 April 2023
Mean (average) gender pay gap using hourly pay 22.9%
Median gender pay gap using hourly pay 20.6%
Mean (average) gender pay gap using bonus pay 32.0%
Median gender pay gap using bonus pay 46.3%
Percentage of men receiving a bonus 56.4%
Percentage of women receiving a bonus 59.2%

Pay Quartiles: Current Reporting Year

Pay Quartile Male Female
Upper 77.0% 23.0%
Upper Middle 73.0% 27.0%
Lower Middle 67.8% 32.2%
Lower 48.3% 51.7%

This report has been reviewed and approved by:

Todd Goffman, Director, Globalization Partners Limited

Australia Gender Equality Reporting


Globalization Partners Pty. Ltd. (Australia) (“G-P”) is a labour hire company with a unique business model as we provide a pathway for companies with no presence in Australia to access employee talent in Australia. G-P assists organizations who source talent in the market to be able to utilize their services through G-P as we are able to employ these workers.

The Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 requires non-public sector employers that employ 100 or more employees in total to register for the Gender Equality Reporting program and annually submit data to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (the “WGEA”).
The annual submission consists of:

  • an online questionnaire related to the organization’s policies, strategies, and actions on gender equality; and
  • two (2) Excel worksheets designed to collect information about workforce composition; salaries and remuneration; and employee appointments, promotions, resignations, and parental leave.

For the 2022-23 submission, covered businesses chose a snapshot date between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023; and they had to electronically submit their Gender Equality Reporting based on a full 12-month reporting period.

For the 2022-23 submission, G-P chose a snapshot date of December 31, 2022. As of the snapshot date, G-P employed 293 employees for the purpose of the Australian Gender Equality Reporting regulations. Of these employees:

  • 211 identified as male; and
  • 82 identified as female.

In April 2022, G-P registered with the WGEA, received confirmation that its first Gender Equality Reporting submission was due by May 31, 2023, and submitted its reporting by the deadline.

Gender Equality Reporting Figures

The table below displays the figures required by the Gender Equality Reporting program for G-P on the snapshot date.

G-P Industry Comparison
Average (mean) total remuneration 18.2% 26.6%
Median total remuneration 24.1% 27.7%
Average (mean) base salary 18.7% 25.2%
Median base salary 23.1% 28.2%

Understanding G-P’s Gender Pay Gap (“GPG”)

Australian law requires G-P to publish amalgamated gender pay gap figures across Internal employees and Professionals.

However, these amalgamated results do not provide an accurate representation of G-P’s pay practices for a number of reasons, including:

  • G-P is a labour-hire business, but our business model differs from a traditional labour-hire business in that we are providing a pathway for overseas companies to access talent that they have found in the Australian market, where the customer does not have a legal entity or presence in Australia. Our clients often want to “test the waters” in Australia to determine whether it is a viable market for their product or service, and so we provide a means for them to utilize the service of a worker in-country where they otherwise have no Australian business presence;
  • Because of G-P’s business model, our clients determine the talent for G-P to employ and their compensation as each client’s compensation needs vary depending on attributes such as their industry, size, and individual compensation philosophies; and
  • Consequently, G-P cannot control the percentage of male/female ratios in certain positions and has little control over their remuneration.

Despite its GPG, G-P’s 2022-23 submission confirms its total remuneration GPG of 18.2% as compared to a median remuneration of 24.1%, which is more favorable than the industry comparison.

Finally, to increase its statistics in future years, G-P implements the following benefits:

  • Global Paid Parental Leave.
  • Global Flexible Time Off to all employees.

This report has been reviewed and approved by:
Todd Goffman, Director, Globalization Partners Pty. Ltd (Australia)
On Behalf of the Board of Directors of Globalization Partners Pty. Ltd. (Australia)

Brazil Gender Equality Reporting